Project title: “Long-endurance UAV for collecting air quality data with high spatial and temporal resolutions”
Project “Long-endurance UAV for collecting air quality data with high spatial and temporal resolutions” is implemented under Programme ,,Applied Research” under Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014 – 2021.
The total cost of the project is 6566477,16 PLN including the value of co-financing 6274392,38 PLN paid with a division into:
85% of the funding amount from the Norway Grants, which is 5333233,52 PLN
15% of the funding amount from the resources of a state budget, which is 941158,86 PLN
The project includes the design, optimization and construction of a stratospheric aircraft with the main goal of long-term flight and detailed analysis of the upper atmosphere. During the project, at least two scaled demonstrators will be made based on the designed platform. The models will be used to analyze the flight properties of the designed solution.

„We work together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe”
The development of unmanned aerial vehicles is taking place at a very rapid pace and new applications pose a challenge to the technical possibilities. One of these challenges is extending flight time to complete autonomy of the power system and unlimited flight durability and range. Achieving unlimited flight time is associated with a completely different approach to UAV design, in particular gaining energy autonomy, drastically reducing the weight of the UAV, changing the form of the object, in particular the aerodynamic concept and structural elements, adapting to the autonomous operation of devices implementing operational needs during the flight, searching for new power sources during the flight in the UAV operating environment. Such UAVs can be used in completely new fields, such as tasks taken over from satellite technology by HALE class UAVs or HAPS (High Altitude Long Endurance, High Altitude Pseudo Satellites), or it is possible to patrol and observe for UAV LALE (Low Altitude Long Endurance) significantly extending the flight time in the UAV VTOL (Vertical Take-off and Landing) class. One such application is the study of macro-scale smog distribution over a wide range of space and flight altitudes for long-term measurements.
More information on projects implemented under the EEA or Norway Grants can be found at: /